About Candidate
I am a professional Customer Service (Recept ion)
Representat ive wi th over 5 years exper ience in handl ing
mul t i -nat ional cl ients. My 5 years to 6 years professional
exper ience stems f rom years of providing excel lent
customer suppor t , creat ive problem solving and bui lding
customer loyal ty.
Receiving guests in a professional way and di rect ing them to thei r demands wi thin the center Receive and t ransfer dai ly phone cal ls to and f rom the center Receive some kind of mai l coming to the center Regist rat ion of guests at the t ime of ent ry and exi t . Keep a register of visi tors and reviewers wi th the name of the person, the reason for the review, the t ime of review and other necessary informat ion Del iver repor ts wi th al l accuracy and wi thout delay Maintaining the conf ident ial i ty of informat ion received and t ransmi t ted professional ly and permanent ly.