Electrical Supervisor


Abu Dhabi

About Candidate

Position Applying: Interested as Electrical Engineer/Supervisor or any position that fits my experience and qualifications


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 2009-01-15
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University


Electrical Supervisor - Facilities Operation Maintenance Dept. 2019-05-15 - 2024-06-15
Enova Facilities Management LLC

• Make ensure that all Electrical devices and equipment’s inside and outside hospital premises are well maintained, working properly and safely. like Emergency lighting, Critical outlets, Isolated Power supply outlets, Harmonic Filters, Capacitors Banks, Final Distribution Board, Sub Main Distribution Board, VFD’s, MCC, Central Battery System, Main Distribution Board, Transformers, UPS, Generators et al. • Make ensure all works follow safety procedures. By implementing LOTO – Lock out Tag out in the circuitry when doing electrical works in a certain equipment and by providing a valid electrical work permit before doing the task. In addition, we are also ensuring that all our technicians and contractors use proper PPE’s and proper tools while doing their activity. • Preparing Work at Height Permit, Method of Statement and Risk Assessment for electrical height works. • Make ensure that all contractor sign the Limitation of Access before entering Electrical Rooms and execute properly the Electrical Work/isolation permit by coordinating to the affected departments before and after the start of their activity. • Make ensure that all measuring devices just like multifunction testers, Infrared scanner and the rest are calibrated before our technicians used it. • Make ensure that all corrective, preventive and reactive work orders follow KPI timing before closing it. • Coordinating to the Shift Nurse or shift lead, End Users and other department before doing Electrical works in ICU, Operating Rooms and other critical areas. • Make ensure that all the requirements of the client are being followed.

Electrical Engineer (Operation & Maintenance and Construction Department) 2018-08-15 - 2018-12-15
Portavaga Ships Management Inc.

• Electrical Section Head of the first Roll on Roll off vessel made in the Philippines under Philippines Registered of Shipping (PRS) Class standard. • Coordinate with the international suppliers regarding the proper installation, usage and maintenance of the equipment that they supplied. • Maintained and Repair All Electrical Equipment in the ship like motors, generators, main engine, fire alarm and monitoring system, public address systems, navigational equipment, battery system, lighting system et al. • Make ensure all the technicians use proper PPE and follow safety process while working in Tanker and RoRo ship. • Doing and protective testing of the equipment’s • Make and Prepare Electrical Maintenance form for surveyors • Attending coordination meeting for the construction of new ship • Assist and trained new hire Electrical Engineer and Electricians.

Freelance Electrical Engineer 2017-09-15 - 2018-08-15
Self Employed

• Electrical System Design for Bungalow houses and Residential Building • Estimate and preparing of materials • Doing Electrical Installation for service entrance, panel board, circuit breakers, wires, conduits and its auxiliaries. • Meeting with the clients and making reports.


Design Electrical Plans
install Electrical wiring

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