Aliasgar Taheri Sathaliya
About Candidate
enthusiastic high e nergy driven professional targeting assignments in the field of Corrosion
Monitoring, Gas analysis, Water Treatment Process Engineering & Chemicals Procurements with
a growth oriented organization to best utilize knowledge skills acquired for the mankin d and the
Develop written safety procedure that address hazards associated with laboratory-specific operations. Preparing a yearly optimization plan for sampling and analysis as per assets integrity from Facilities and pipelines. Communicate hazard information and safe work practices to laboratory visitors. Provide supervision of personnel commensurate with the education, experience, and competence of personnel. Keeping record of IPR (Incident preliminary report) with GPS coordination location for gas/crude leak locations. Overseeing quality assurance and enforcing practices to ensure quality control within the laboratory. Overall, manage of laboratory equipment and supplies and resolve any technical or administrative issues within the laboratory. Coordinates job assignments and cross-training between and within divisions. Provides feedback on employee work performance. Prepares reports and updates for upper management. Organizes events that will make a positive impact on employees. Overall review of analysis results generated, PFD, P & ID, Instruments calibrations, upgradation of instruments and its applications.
Reviewing chemical usage/optimization, technical compatibility, monitoring and following on corrosion. Participation in shutdown activities and provide recommendation and advice on long term solution to avoid corrosion such as proposal material upgradation and use of corrosion inhibitors. Pigging types and frequency determination and reporting. Validate corrosion controls, corrosion loops and corrosion damage mechanisms frequently. Participate in ICDA program for pipelines (Piggable & Nonpiggable lines). New project OCM locations, sampling and design studies with recommendations. Special Experiments to understand the corrosion and scaling product reaction mechanism on Metals for the benefits of the company. Evaluation of corrosion by special software called “PREDICT”. Scaling tendencies and water chemistry by specially designed software (“DOWNHOLE CORROSION SOFTWARE”) CO 2 , H 2 S, O 2 and bacterial corrosion analysis in system, Evaluation of Chemical Treatment (Corrosion inhibitors, Scale inhibi tors, Biocides use and effectiveness analysis) analysis), Participating in Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and failure investigations to enhance safety and integrity of the plant. Optimization of Monitoring and sampling locations as per KPI. Hands on experience of prepar ing, reviewing of Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID), Heat & Mass Balance (H&MB), Hydraulic Line Sizing Report, Line List, Equipment List, Material Selection Diagram ( and Process Flow Diagram ( Participating in the regular review of Corrosion Control Materials and key performance indicators. The Job incorporates the management of manpower and analysis of all samples by classical and instrumental methods to process co ordination. Preparation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for any new Playing vital ro le as a bridge man between Lab, client and companies management. ISO Documentation and laboratory audit Controlling and maintaining the laboratory inventory Evaluation of corrosion reaction mecha nism by identifying corrosion product through XRD and different sophisticated instrument like ICP, AAS, FTIR, etc… Co ordination with the Operations and the Technical Service Department and assist them by preparing Lab trials and other special tests / anal ysis as per their requirements.
Analysis of all parameters of crude, water , condensate , gas and BS&W. Extensively experienced in operation and calibration of sophisticated analytical instrument like FTIR, AAS, UV Visible Spectrophotometer, salt in crude Karl Fischer for moisture, Orsat, Gastec, Tutwiler, etc…and aware of many more instruments like XRD, GC, ICP, etc Study of Failure analysis of Vessel, Equipments. Pipeline from Wet Chemical Analysis, Operating History and Metallurgical Study. Development, Implementati on and validation of analytical test methods as per ASTM, API, NACE and other standard methods for water and oil. Hazard's chemical handling, House keeping. Strictly adhering to safety records. Collecting and analysis of upstream samples of gas, liqu id, crude, and solid from various Wel l head, gathering center, booster station and water treatment / injection plant located at various place in Kuwait. Added my active role in ISO audit, laboratory audit and compiled with MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets ) for laboratory Authorized applicant for applying hot, cold, confined space work permit and to supervised the work.
Analysis of water being fad to boil ers such as Silica, Hydrazine, p H, Conductivity, Chlorides, A mmonia, Iron, Copper, Etc. by latest instrument like UV Visible sp ectrophotometer, turbidometer, C onductometer, pH meter, titration method etc…. Routine Analysis of distillate water and Recarbonated water and maintaining its quality & quantity as per our r equirement. Analysis of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), Gas Oil (GO), Crude Oil (CO), Electrical oil, transformer oil etc…. using a latest instrument like Bomb Calorimeter, Moisture content, Sulfur, Vanadium, Nickel by X ray, Viscometer, asphaltin content, acidity e tc… and flue gas analysis by Gastec. Operation of Chlorination Plant for the control of organic matters present in seawater. Production of RO water, Operation and precaution of its module by Acid Cleaning. Operation of Water Treatment Plant and its regener ation producing high quality of Make up water for the boilers. Supervision during Acid Cleaning of Boiler, Chemical Cleaning of Rotary Air Heater (RAH) and Gas Recirculation Fans (GRF). Routing analysis of Medium Temperature (MT) chillers and low temperatu re (LT) Chillers, steam transformer and its precaution from corrosion. Development, Implementation and validation of analytical test methods as per ASTM, API and other standard methods for water and oil. Aware of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) and ot her Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Responsible for analysis of medical water, chillers, cooli ng water, boiler water, feed water, swimming pool, condensate water, etc and its appropriate suggestion on site to the client. Quotations, delivery reports, sales of water treatment chemicals, installation of water treatment system and its operation and co mmissioning. Participated in documentation and inventory of the company.